
ジャッキー・チェンの娘がカナダ人女性と結婚! 過去にホームレス生活をしていたことも告白[動画あり]

@ettazen / instagram


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There is nothing greater than true love found. With love we've returned. My home is Hong Kong, a beautiful city full of life and passion. Home is where love is. Home is safety and I know too many that do not feel safe within the environment they were given but the new tide is rising. A home is with the family that you can choose and with that we are never alone. Love is undoutbly stronger than blood. Everyone deserves love and not until I felt love can I be sure that understanding, connecting, attention and love in the face of hate can heal the most depraved of hearts Love always wins. Always.. . . . . . . . . #lovewins #gaymarriage #lgbtq #fightforwhatsright #love #iloveyou #teamlove

Etta Zenさん(@ettazen)がシェアした投稿 -

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Back to Hong Kong as Wife & Wife Love has opened our eyes, opened our minds, and our hearts can feel whole. With this love, comes unbelievable strength and confidence to ignore our own pain, shut down our ego, and know exactly who we are and what we want. We will power on with positivity so that other voices who are silenced can finally embrace their inner truths. @ettazen has given me the gift of being my true self and it's so hard to explain the change I feel. I'm no longer scared, I no longer have to find coping mechanisms to get through an hour of the day. My whole life I thought I was toxic, she made me realize I was surrounded by negativity. Now that its gone, this new feeling has taken over and I now know I deserve just as much as the world has to offer. And guess what? WE ALL DO! THE NEW GENERATION DESERVES MORE! Feel the love we have to share, we can all get there. Happiest day of my life #lovewins #gaymarriage #lgbtq #fightforwhatsright #love #iloveyou #teamlove

andi autumnさん(@andiautumn.official)がシェアした投稿 -




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